The titles listed here are considered standard, and may be used by those who have earned or been granted the appropriate title of rank or award within the Society. The College of Arms publishes a more extensive list of titles and alternative forms, which may also be used freely by qualified persons. In addition, the College of Arms has full approval authority over new alternative titles, which must be added to their list before being released for use in the Society.

TITLE (masculine/feminine/collective) RANK OR AWARD
King/Queen/Crown Rulers of a kingdom
Crown Prince/Crown Princess/(Royal) Coronet Heirs to the Crown.
Prince/Princess/Coronet Rulers of a principality.
Duke/Duchess Persons who have reigned over a kingdom 2 or more times. The title is assumed at the end of the second complete reign.
Count/Countess Persons who have reigned over a kingdom. The title is assumed at the end of the first complete reign.
Viscount/Viscountess Persons who have reigned over a principality. The title is assumed at the end of the first complete reign.
Master/Mistress Members of the Orders of the Laurel, the Pelican, and Mastery of Arms.
Sir/Sir Members of the Order of Knighthood. Note that most feminine members of the order have chosen to use "Sir".
Baron (of placename)/Baroness (of placename) Ceremonial heads of a barony.
(Court) Baron/(Court) Baroness Armigerous titles awarded at the discretion of the Crown. The word "Court" is often left out when referring to this title.
Lord/Lady Basic titles for persons who hold Arms by Award or Grant.
"my lord"/"my lady"/"good gentles" These are general forms of address rather than titles. They are properly used informally, or any time the speaker does not know another form that would be more appropriate for the listener.
Master of (jobname)/Mistress of (jobname) Alternates for "Minister of (jobname)". As with the standard designation for the office, these are not personal titles, and should in no case be abbreviated or prefixed to the officer's personal name.