Howdy! The database has been updated to include the September 2023 LoAR. You can download it at There have been no changes to There will be some updates real soon in company with some updates to the complex search form. Real Soon Now. I promise. The application of the new field and headorientation feature sets is complete. The count was 59,167. One way to make use of the "field" feature set in a complex search is to have a term that looks like "NO|FIELD:". If you make it your last term and give it a weight of "+0", the "+" magic will cause any matches you've accumulated that fail to match this one to go away - to be filtered out. There is room to research other ways to effectively use this. The values of are: solid divided divided bendwise divided bendwise sinister divided checky divided chevronwise divided chevronwise inverted divided fesswise divided four part other divided gridlike not checky divided gyronny divided orly divided palewise divided pallwise divided pallwise inverted divided party of six divided quarterly divided saltirewise divided other SENA A5F1b has a bullet list that this maps directly from. The "headorientation" feature lets you specify "facing dexter", "facing sinister", or "facing affronty". Armory with heads facing in different directions in the same charge group will not have this feature applied. There is an RSS feed of LoARs at feed:// that is updated daily. This document is also available at yours, Herveus