Collected Precedents of the S.C.A.: Native American (including Nahuatl)

Name Precedents: Native American (including Nahuatl)

Laurel: Date: ( Precedent:
Da'ud ibn Auda (2nd tenure, 1st year) 1994.01 [Returning Ixtlilxochitl de los Indios.] No evidence was submitted or noted by any of the commenters supporting this combination of Nahuatl and Spanish. From all of the historical evidence we could find, the Native Americans were given Spanish Christian names by the Spaniards under their forced Christianization and at no time was a mixed name in this style ever done. [1/94, p.16]
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme 1992.08 Lady Ensign has provided documentation for combining Aztec elements in a Spanish name:  Juan de Texeda was an Indian governor in 1540. [Salvador Juárez de Xochimilco, 08/1992, A-Caid]