The Tenure of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme


This collection of pages contains precedents and other relevant discussions from Baron Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme's tenure as Laurel, from the June, 1992 Symposium meeting through October, 1993.

I have tried to be reasonably consistent with the format of previous precedent collations, but some changes happened anyway. The biggest change was in the way the Laurel letters were referenced. Previously with each precedent the date of the Laurel letter and the page number was included. I have added the name attached to the relevant submission. I did so because now that the electronic versions of the Laurel letters are now available, a page number is insufficient to easily find the relevant entry. I have also included the month of the Laurel meeting with the date of the cover letters, to make it easier to find the original letter if so desired.

The categories used for the headings is my own, derived from previous collations, the subdivisions of the SCA ordinary, and my own philosophy. There is an extensive index to help find the right location. The index also includes cross references for relevant Rules for Submissions.

There is also a long bibliography [which is referenced from the citations in the text - MH]

As is standard, the text listed is taken directly from the Laurel letters. Comments within square brackets ([]) are mine. I use ellipses (...) to indicate deleted text, though I do not indicate text deleted from the beginning or end of a ruling. Words within angle brackets (<>) are also mine, where I replaced irrelevant specific charges or names with generic variants.

Some of the Bruce's rulings were very long, including useful information such as documentation from period sources. I did not want to exclude the information, but it was too unwieldy to include it more than once. So at several points, I list a short summary of the ruling with a reference to the full text.

The document is available in electronic form (in ASCII). Contact me at the address below to find out how to get a copy. Also send any comments or corrections to that address.

I wish to thank all those who helped me create this work; in particular, Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme, Da'ud ibn Auda, Irene von Schmetterling, Jaelle of Armida, Zenobia Naphtali, and probably a few others I have forgotten.

In service,
Elsbeth Anne Roth

c/o Kathy Van Stone
1817 Tyburn Lane
Pittsburgh, PA 15241

This document is also available in hard copy form from Free Trumpet Press West as item FT-77

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