The 1st Tenure of Da'ud Ibn Auda (1st year)


"Ship's wheels are post-period, not coming into use before the mid-17th century. As a suggestion, the submitter might try a Catherine's wheel." [the device was returned] (LoAR 6/91 p.21).


[Wreath of violets in orle, blazoned as an orle of violets] "This was returned before in part because the orle of flowers was too similar to the restricted wreath of roses. This issue has not been addressed in the resubmission, and so this must be returned once again for this reason. It was suggested that if the submitter would clearly separate the individual flowers in orle, that this would probably remove the problem." (LoAR 9/90 p.13).

"The ivy here is clearly drawn in such a way that it will not be mistaken for a laurel wreath. (Such a determination will have to be made on a case by case basis, but this instance appears clearly different.)" (LoAR 2/91 p.12).

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