The 2nd Tenure of Da'ud Ibn Auda (1st year)


This is a compilation of the significant policy decisions made by Da'ud ibn Auda during the first part of his second tenure as Laurel King of Arms in the Society for Creative Anachronism, from November 1993 through June 1994. The final choice of material to include from Laurel's published letters of this period was the editor's. DISCLAIMER: This is not an official publication of either the Society for Creative Anachronism or its College of Arms, and does not delineate official policy of either.

The excerpts contained herein are quoted from Laurel's letters as originally written with the following exceptions:

(1)Text enclosed in square brackets [] is the editor's. This has been used to include additional information or clarification, to condense certain passages and in a few circumstances to provide what seemed to be necessary corrections where the original text was obviously either incomplete or inconsistent with the apparent intent. Please note, however, that in the case of any disagreement between these precedents and the source documents, the source should be assumed to be correct until Laurel states otherwise. I have not altered in any way certain decisions in which I believe that Laurel has made errors in stating the facts; for better or worse, those are part of the official record and body of precedent. Square brackets in the source text have been replaced with curly braces {}.

(2)Minor corrections to spelling and grammar are unmarked.

(3)Some formatting has been standardized (e.g. to place all submitted names and blazons in italics rather than quotes, boldface, etc.)

Full decisions are not always quoted. Text omitted either before or after quoted material is not indicated; text omitted within quoted material is indicated by ellipsis (...).

There are two major differences between these precedents and previous compilations. First, I have organized the precedents into three main categories: Administrative, Armory and Name Precedents. Topics are arranged alphabetically within each category, and precedents are arranged in reverse chronological order by letter and in consecutive order within letters. Second, I have chosen to include many of the details of the decisions quoted as precedents. The context in which a decision is made has a significant effect on the extent of the application of the resulting precedent. It seemed more convenient to include those contexts here (when they seemed relevant) instead of requiring readers to look up the original documents (which are a matter of public record but may not be easily available.)

For identification purposes, each entry includes a code referring to the source text from which it was taken. These codes are generally along the lines of:

The first part is the date (mo/yr) of the Laurel meeting which produced the LOAR; the second is the page within the LOAR. A "c" following the year (e.g. 1/94c) indicates the cover letter to the LOAR. In one month, two separate Laurel meetings were held; these are identified as 12a/93 and 12b/93 respectively.

If errors are detected in this compilation, please inform me. (My current address is listed below; whether or not I continue to reside there I can be reached through that address.) If circumstances warrant, revised editions may appear later. Suggestions for changes to the format or other helpful criticism aimed at future volumes should be directed to whoever is designated by Laurel as my replacement, since I will not be doing the compilation of those (for reasons which have no relevance to the subject at hand.)

Owen ap Morgan
c/o Earl P. Jones
3825 Canterbury Dr.
Redding, CA 96002

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