Society for Creative Anachronism College of Arms PO Box 31755 Billings, MT 59107-1755 +1-406-245-4537 For the May 2004 meetings, printed October 26, 2004 To all the College of Arms and all others who may read this missive, from Shauna Laurel, Evan Wreath, and Margaret Pelican, greetings. The following is a table showing the status of Letters of Intent, Laurel Letters of Pend and Discussion, and Letters of Intent to Protect. The header rows are the dates of the meetings that will consider them, the dates when primary commentary is due, and the dates when responses to primary commentary are due. The key follows. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ |Wreath |May 16 & 22|Jun 12 & 27| Jul 10 |Aug 11-19 |Sep 11 & 25-26| Oct 23 | Nov 13 | |meeting | | | | | | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Pelican |May 15 & 22|Jun 13 & 27| Jul 25 |Aug 14-19 | Sep 25-26 | Oct 30 | Nov 20 | |meeting | | | | | | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| | | |______________________________________________________________________________________________| |Comment by | | | | | | too late | Sep 30 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Respond by | | | | | | Sep 30 | Oct 31 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Letters of Intent being considered: | |______________________________________________________________________________________________| |AEthelmearc| Jan 30 | - | Mar 27 | Apr 26 | May 25 | Jun 24 | Jul 25 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| | | | | | | | Jun 29 & |May 27 &| |An Tir | Jan 30 | Feb 27 | Mar 27 | Apr 28 | - | (Sep 30) & |May 27 &| | | | | | | | (Aug 31 | Jul 30 | | | | | | | |[P Sep 04]) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Ansteorra | Jan 26 | Feb 18 | Mar 11 | Apr 21 | May 21 | Jun 22 & | Jul 19 | | | | |[P Apr 01]| | [P May 29] | (Sep 20) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Artemisia | Jan 30 | - | Mar 30 | - | May 28 | Jun 23 & | Jul 17 | | | | | | | | (Sep 20) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Atenveldt | Jan 27 | Feb 25 | Mar 17 | Apr 20 | May 20 | - | Jul 25 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Atlantia | Jan 27 | Feb 24 | Mar 25 | Apr 21 | May 27 | Jun 24 & | Jul 24 | | | | | | | | (Sep 28) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Caid | Jan 31 | - | - | - | May 10 | Jun 30 | - | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Calontir | - | Feb 20 | - | Apr 08 | May 28 | - | Jul 22 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Drachenwald| Jan 29 | Feb 26 | Mar 25 | Apr 22 | May 27 | Jun 28 | Jul 22 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Ealdormere | Jan 25 | - | Mar 18 | - | May 27 | - | Jul 26 | | | | |[P Apr 01]| | | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |East | Nov 30 | Feb 29 | - | - | Apr 30 | Jun 28 & | Jul 20 | | |[P Dec 03] | | | | | (Sep 30) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Lochac | - | - | Mar 22 | Apr 21 | May 25 | Jun 22 | - | | | | |[P Apr 01]| | | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Meridies | Jan 31 | - | Mar 31 | - | Apr 30 & | Jun 30 | - | | | | | | | May 31 | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| | | | | Mar 17 & | Apr 12 | May 10 | Jun 10 | | |Middle | Jan 01 | Feb 10 | Mar 02 |[P Apr 27]| [P May 21] |[P Jun 30] &| - | | | | | | | | (Sep 20) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Northshield| Jan 25 | Feb 25 | Mar 25 | Apr 26 | May 31 | Jun 28 | Jul 29 | | | | | | | [P Jun 07] | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Outlands | Jan 27 | Feb 24 | Mar 25 | Apr 24 | May 27 | Jun 27 | Jul 27 | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Trimaris | Nov 03 | Feb 27 | Mar 31 | - | Apr 30 | - | - | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |West | Jan 27 | Feb 24 | Mar 24 | Apr 20 | May 25 | Jun 22 & | - | | | | |[P Apr 12]| | | (Sep 27) | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| |Laurel | | Feb 12 | Mar 31 | | | | | |LoPaD | - |[Nov LoAR] | [ LoAR] | - | - | - | - | |[LoAR date]| | | | | | | | |___________|___________|___________|__________|__________|______________|____________|________| Month day: the date on the Letter of Intent, Letter of Pend and Discussion, or Letter of Intent to Protect. (Month day): for administrative reasons, this LoI has not yet been scheduled. [P Month day]: postmarked on that bracketed date, so the LoI is redated or postponed. "-": no LoI is scheduled for that meeting from that kingdom. ?: tentative. The May Wreath meeting was held on Sunday, May 16, and continued on Wednesday, May 19. The May Pelican meeting was held on May 15. They had a joint road-show meeting on May 22 at {AE}thelmearc War Practice. The June Wreath meeting was held on June 12 and the June Pelican meeting was held on June 13. They held the traditional Known World Heraldic Symposium road-show meeting on June 27. The August Pelican and Wreath meetings were held as a series of mini-meetings at Pennsic. Wreath and Pelican held a joint meeting in the greater Washington D.C. area on September 25-26, while Wreath held another meeting in advance on September 11. Pelican is tentatively scheduled to hold a road show November 20 at the First Northshield Kingdom Heraldic Symposium. The December Wreath meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 11 or 18. Not all letters of intent may be considered when they are originally scheduled on this cover letter. The date of mailing of the LoI, date of receipt of the Laurel packet, or other factors may delay consideration of certain letters of intent. Additionally, some letters of intent received may not have been scheduled because the administrative requirements (receipt of the forms packet, receipt of the necessary fees, et cetera) have not yet been met. REMINDER: Until all administrative requirements are met, the letter may not be scheduled. **** From Laurel: Immediate Change **** Effective immediately, Susan Earley, Society Exchequer, will be receiving all financial correspondence for the Laurel office, including checks. This is detailed in the 'Send What To Whom' section at the end of this letter. **** From Laurel: Electronic Policies Revisited/Admin Handbook Section of the Month **** Questions have been raised about acceptable ways in which to notify submitters of the status of their submissions. Section V.A.2. of the Administrative Handbook (AH) says: 2. Timely Notification of Submitters - The Principal Herald, either directly or through designated deputies, shall ensure that all submitters are notified of the results of the submissions process without undue delay at any level. Notification of registration by the College of Arms or of return at any level must be made in writing to the individual submitter. Printed notices in kingdom newsletters do not meet this requirement, although they are encouraged for public relations purposes. E-mailed notifications meet this requirement as long as a hard copy is retained in the appropriate files. **** From Pelican: Those Pesky Checkboxes **** Over the past few months, I've noticed that many kingdoms are uncertain how to summarize the authenticity checkboxes on their LoIs. Some kingdoms don't mention them at all, others use the phrase "desires an X name", while still others use other phrases. When summarizing this checkbox, please either use a checklist system, such as Ansteorra does, or explicitly include the word authenticity when the submitter has checked one of the authenticity checkboxes. Sentences of the form "The submitter requested authenticity for X time period" or "The submitter wishes a name authenticity for Y language/culture" or "Authenticity:Yes, X culture, Y time period" are all good summarizations. So, why is summarizing this checkbox so important? When a submitter request authenticity, they are requesting an extra level of research from the College. Such a check mark indicates that the name should not only be registerable according to the Rules for Submission, but that the elements and construction should also be documentable to a single time and place. If the authenticity checkbox isn't summarized or an explicit phrase isn't used to describe it, the commenting member of the College don't alway (or even often) perform this extra level of research. Because a request for authenticity is a request for extra research, I will be pending submissions for further research where the submitter has made a request for authenticity, the request was not adequately summarized on the Letter of Intent, and the College did not suggest an appropriate authentic form. **** From Laurel: KWHS 2005 CORRECTION **** The information for KWHS 2005 is evolving. Here is the latest update from the hosting baronies in the Kingdom of the Outlands. The dates are the same, July 22-24, 2005, but there has been a site change from the original bid, which as many of you know was put together in a hurry due to a dearth of bids. The final, contracted, site will be the Raintree Hotel and Conference Center in Longmont, Colorado, near Denver and Fort Collins. Block rate for hotel rooms is $79 + taxes, no additional fees for more than two to a room, up to four people per room. The Web page has further information and it will be kept up to date. Further updates will also be put into the appropriate Cover Letters as space and time allow. **** Roster Changes **** Margherita Alessia ..., Society Exchequer, is added to the Mailing List and Roster effective immediately. Her address is: ...; e-mail: All financial correspondence should be sent to her. The previous Laurel Exchequer, Ealusaid inghean Ghille Bhrighde ..., is removed from the Roster. There was an error in the mailing address for Golden Pillar in the most recent roster. The Post Office Box number should be .... **** Send What to Whom **** Send one paper copy of all Letters of Intent, Comment, Response, Correction, et cetera to both Evan Wreath KoA and Margaret Pelican QoA at their mailing addresses as given in the Roster and Mailing List. Send to Shauna of Carrick Point, Laurel Queen of Arms (whose contact information heads this letter), all Laurel office copies of all submissions-related paper, including * Letters of Intent, Comment, Response, Correction, et cetera (note: such paper copies for the Laurel office are in addition to the personal copies for Pelican and Wreath mentioned above) * Submission packets (one copy of each name form plus documentation, including petitions; two colored copies of each armory form plus two copies of any associated documentation, including petitions) Send all checks and money ordedrs for submissions, payable to "SCA Inc.- College of Arms", as well as any financial correspondence, to the Society Exchequer, Margherita Alessia ...; e-mail: Send Laurel office copies of all submissions-related electronic files to This applies to all LoIs, LoCs, LoRs, et cetera. Send roster changes and corrections to Laurel, above, and also to Jeanne Marie Lacroix at College of Arms members may also request a copy of the current roster from her at any time. Please specify what electronic format you would prefer at the time of the request (*.rtf, *.txt, *.doc). For subscriptions to the paper copy of the LoAR, please contact Laurel, above, and also Jeanne Marie Lacroix at The cost for an LoAR subscription is currently $25 a year. Please make all checks or money orders payable to "SCA Inc.-College of Arms" and send to the Society Exchequer, whose information is above. For subscriptions to the electronic copy of the LoAR, please go to and choose the format you wish to receive. The electronic copy is available free of charge. For all administrative matters, or for questions about whom to send what to, please contact Laurel. I remain In service to the Society Shauna of Carrick Point Laurel Queen of Arms ====================================================================== Created at 2004-11-14T20:28:30