****** Errata ****** ***** December 2011 ***** **** MERIDIES **** Heahburh {ae}t Niwan castelle. Name. In the December 2011 Letter of Acceptances and Returns, this name was accepted. The text of this acceptance said: "Submitted as "Heahburh {ae}t Niw_e_castel", the submitted form uses the nominative version of the Old English locative. However, the preposition {ae}t requires the dative form. Metron Ariston provided the grammatically correct form, Niwan castelle, based on dated forms (the 11th century {AE}t {ae}lcan castelle and the 10th century Niwan tune)." As one might suppose from this discussion, the registered form should have been the grammatically correct form _{ae}t Niwan castelle_. We have made that change here. ====================================================================== Created at 2012-02-29T23:36:12